Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Various Kinds of Human Rights (HAM)

a. Personal Rights (Perseonal Rights)Personal rights are rights which include freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of movement, to actively liberated in any organization or association and so on.
     For example: the right to freedom in expressing or expression. The right of freedom in running the trust and embrace or choose a religion. Rights liberated in travel, visit, and on the move. Rights liberated in selecting, specifying and organizations active in the organization.

b. Economic Rights (Property Rights)Economic rights are the rights to own, buy and sell, as well as take advantage of something. 

    Examples: Economic Rights on freedom in purchasing. Economic Rights on freedom in organizing and doing the Contract of Economic Rights on freedom in having something about liberated Economic Rights in appropriate employment. Economic Rights of the liberated in the transaction Economic Rights at work 

c. Political Rights (Political Rights)Political Rights is the right to participate in government, suffrage maksunya right to be elected example: nominate as regent, and to vote in an election for example, chose the Regent or President), the right to establish political parties, and so on. 
    Examples: Rights Politics in the vote in an election for example, the presidential election and regional heads Rights Politics in Selected in the elections for example, the election of regent or president of Rights Political freedom to participate in government activities Rights Politics in establishing political parties Rights Politics in the making organizations in the fields of politics Political Rights to provide proposals or opinions which form the proposed petition.
d. Legal Rights (Rights Of Legal Equality)Legal Rights is the right to equal treatment in law and government.
    For example: Right in getting services and legal protection of rights in getting and have a legal defense in court. The same rights in legal proceedings rights in a fair or equal treatment in law 

e. Social and Cultural Rights (Social and Culture Rights)Social and Cultural Rights are rights concerns in the community to choose the education, the right to develop the culture and so on.
    For example: The right to a decent education Right to have a lesson right to choose, determine rights education to develop their talents and interests to develop Hobby Rights Right to be creative 

f. Rights Justice (Procedural Rights) Rights Justice is a right to obtain treatment procedures of justice and protection (procedural rights), such regulations in terms of detention, arrests and searches.
    For example: The right to fair treatment under the law Right to defense in the legal right to get the same thing in the process of good law that investigation, search, arrest, and detention

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