Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Human Body framework and Functions

 human skeleton

Order to have a very important function in our body, namely:1. Enforcement and giver of body shape.2. Protecting the body parts were soft like the brain, lungs, and  heart.3. The attachment of the muscles and tissues.4. As the formation of blood cells.5.Sebagai passive locomotorB. The parts of the FrameworkBroadly speaking, the human frame is divided into 3 parts, among others:1) The bones of the head frameSkeleton head (skull) serves to protect the vital organs that existin the head, including the brain.
order head

2) The bones of the body frameBody skeleton consists of:a) The bones of the neckServes to prop up the head to be able to stand up straight and can nodded, turned sideways, and can be played. It also serves to protect the throat as there are channels to breathe, throat and vocal cords.b) breast bones and ribsSternum and ribs serves to protect the organs in the chest, like the heart and lungs. Heart plays a role in pumping blood throughout the body. The lung function to breathe.c) The backboneThe backbone serves to protect the spinal cord which contains many nerve cells and is connected directly to the brain and throughout the body. In addition, it also serves as a support member of the upper body.d) The pelvisPelvic bone serves as a connector between the upper body and body parts3). Skeletal limbsLimb skeleton consists of the arm (hand) and leg (foot). Most of the work and activities undertaken by the arms and legs. Arm bone consists of the base of the arm bone, the bone lever, ulna, wrist bones, hand bones, and the bones of the fingers. Limb bones consisting of the femur, the bone patella, tibia, fibula, ankle bones, foot bones, and bone toes.

C. Relationship AntartulangAntartulang within our body berhubungan.Hubungan antartulang formed when several bones meet at the ends. Antartulang relationship is also called joints. Examples of some of the joints found in the human body are hinge joints, joints Saddlery, Bullets Joints, Swivel Joints and Joints Slide.

 D. Frame FunctionOrder to have a very important function in our body, namely:1. Enforcement and giver of body shape,2. Protecting the body parts were soft like the brain, lungs, andheart.3. The attachment of the muscles and tissues,4. As the formation of blood cells,5. As a means of passive motionE. Maintenance OrderSpinal exist in body growth and development. If the order is not maintained, will lead to abnormalities in skeletal growth and development. Here is an example of abnormalities in the bone.
catsa. Lordosis, the spine bent backwards.b. Kyphosis, the spine bent forward.c. Scoliosis, the spine bent to the side.

How to maintain bone health:- Get used to sit upright in a chair with his back leaning against the bones of the spine so that we are not bent.- If you have to carry the load on one shoulder bag for example, take alternate between left and right.- Do regular exercise to strengthen bones.- Get used to eating nutritious foods that contain lots of vitamin D and drink milk.

F. human senses, Function and MaintenanceThe senses that can allow us to feel a variety of circumstances. The senses in humans there are five, called the five senses, namely:

1. Indra Seer (Mata)eyeballSclera serves to protect the eyeball. Indonesian people generally have brown irises. In the middle there is a black sphere called the pupil which is the entrance of light. The pupils will shrink if it is in the light and enlarged if it is in a dark place. At the front of the cornea are the iris and pupil. Cornea serves to focus and set the incoming light. Actually, there are other parts of his eyes. However, you can not see from the outside. These parts are eye lens, retina, optic nerve, and eye muscles. Eyepiece serves to form a ba that an object being viewed. Retina serves as a shadow catcher screen objects seen. Optic nerve function to continue rang partner to the brain. Eye muscles serve to move the eyeball.

Some examples of how to care for the eye as the sense of sight is:a. Make a habit of reading a book with an upright posture with the distance between the books read approximately 30 cm. Do not get used to read books while lying down, because it will be to causes abnormalities in our eyes.b. If we're reading a book or seeing an object suddenly becomes opaque, then consult an ophthalmologist.c. If it feels itching of the eyes or red eyes, immediately tetesi with eye drops (ask for help from your parents or other adults)d. Get used to eating foods that contain a lot of provitamin A, such as vegetables and fruits.Disorders of the eye are:a. nearsightedness or myopia (can not see objects from a distance),b. farsightedness or hipermetropi (not able to see objects at close range) andc. old eyes or presbiopi (can not see objects from a distance or close).How to cope with its need to use glasses.

2. Indra Listener (Ear)

tool-hearingConsider drawing ear and parts of the following:1. The outer ear is useful for capturing the sound / noise from outside.2. Eustachian channel connects the middle ear cavity with the mouth, while the bones of listeners useful to carry sound vibrations from the outer ear to the inner ear.3. The inner ear is useful to receive sound vibration / sound received from the middle ear.
Let us take care and maintain good ear, for example:- Clean the dirt contained in the outer ear with a warm, wet cotton. Do not use sharp objects when cleaning the outer ear, because they can become infected when punctured.- In case of middle ear infection due to contact with sharp objects puncture or penetration of water, then consult a physician.- Do not consume drugs like quinine excessive, because it can interfere with hearing aids.- When there is a deafening sound immediately close the ear canal so that the ear drum is not damaged.
3. Indra olfactory (nose)

indexAside from being a nasal olfactory senses as well as a means to breathe. Air inhaled into the nose is cleaned of impurities by the nose hairs and mucus membranes covering the nostrils.Therefore, let us care olfactory senses by:- Clean the dirt contained in the nasal cavityuse a cotton swab to which water is warm.- Take care not to hit behind the head because of thiscould be the olfactory senses do not work anymore.- Get used to inhale breathing through the nose

4. Indra taster (Tongue)     digestive system 1    When we opened the oral cavity will appear tongue. Tongue as the sense of taste is useful to set the location of the food when chewed, help propel food into the esophagus (the swallowing time), and as a tool in speaking. Each nipple taster will react to the kind of taste.

5. Indra Touch (Skin)       We can feel something meraba.Sebenarnya objects in a way that not all the surface of our skin can easily experience a state. There are parts of the skin that is most easily reached over and felt that the ends of the fingers and lips.

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