Minggu, 17 Januari 2016


           Animalia kingdom is an organism that has a characteristic eukaryotik, multicellular, lack chlorophyll and cell walls, living heterotrophic (obtain food from other organisms), and can move to move / free to obtain food and survive,
Animalia kingdom consists of groups of invertebrates (invertebrate animals) and vertebrates (animals with backbones).
The division of this group of animals is based on the existence: body supporter (notocord), spine (vertebrae), the type of the body cavity, the body system, muscles and movements as well as body coverings.
Related to that some of the terms related to the animal world, namely:

parazoa (the body does not have a network)
Eumetazoa (the body's own tissues)
Radial symmetry (if the animal is cut through the central axis of the animal, in any direction will divide the animal body into two or more parts of the same. These animals only have a body dorsal / upper and ventral / down, and tigak have anterior part / front and posterior / back).
Bilateral symmetry (if dopotong through the central axis of the animals, or if the cut line taken by mouth and anus, will get equal parts between the left and right side. (See picture above)
Embryonal layer is a layer that is formed during embryonic development, which will differentiate to form tissues or organs.
Embryonal layer consists of la [pisan ectoderm (outer), mesoderm (middle), endoderm (in).
Dipoblastik are animals that have two embryonic layers.
Tripoblastik is an animal that has three embryonic layers.
Coelomic is a body cavity
Asemolata means animals that do not have a body cavity
Pseudoselomata is yng animals have body cavity false, because the body cavity is only partially limited by the mesoderm (see figure below)
Exoskeleton is outside the framework
Endoskeleton Adalar order in
Hydrostatic order means the order of the body which is maintained by the pressure that comes from body fluids
                      Invertebrates (invertebrate animals)

Invertebrates are grouped into eight phyla, ie Porifera, Coelenterata, Plathyhelminhtes, Nemathelminthes, annelids, molluscs, arthropods and Echinodermata.

Phylum Porifera (Animal porous / sponge)


Multicellular animals (metazoans), with berfori body, not forming a network, has a frame and waterways.
His body asymmetry (irregular)
Body structure composed of cells pinakosit (protector), which berflagel koanosit cells (to absorb food and oxygen), cells amoebosit (distributing food and oxygen)
Living heterotrophic by obtaining food from the water that enters the body through the pores
Generally live in the sea, attached to rocks or other objects.
Sexual reproduction with pembentuksn shoots, gemmulae and regeneration
Sexual reproduction with gamete formation
Having a water circulation system which consists of three types: ASCON, sycon and leucon

Ascon: a type in which the water channel ostiumnya holes connected by a straight line directly toward spongosol (hollow inside)
Sycon: a type of aqueduct where holes ostiumnya associated with the channel branching into cavity-insects that are directly related to spongosol
Leucon: a type of aqueduct where holes ostiumnya associated with the channel branching into cavities that are not directly correlates with spongosol.

Classification is based on the building blocks of the framework is divided into three classes, namely Hexactinelida (spicules of silicate), Demospongiae (spicules of silicates with spongin or spongin only), and Calcarea (spicules of calcium) sources http://fakhrunita.byethost14.com/porifera .htm1. Hexactinellid (Hyalospongiae), have the characteristics:
     has spicules consisting of silica
end there were 6 star-shaped spicules
the body is usually pale, and shaped vases or bowls
water channel type sikonoid
solitary life in the depths of 200-1000m
example: Euplectella

2. Demospongiae, have characteristics:

      frame composed of fibers spongin
brightly colored body, because no pigment in amoebosit
irregular shape and branched
water channel type leukonid
example: Spongia, Hippospongia, Niphates digitalis3. Calcarae (Calcispongiae) have characteristics:

          frame composed of calcium carbonate
pale body, shaped vases, purses, jugs, or cylindrical
askonoid types waterways, sikonoid, or leukonoid
living in shallow waters
example: Clathrina, Leucettusa lancifer

Role as a sponge bath or brush tool, and potentially cancer drug senagai2. Phylum Coelenterata (Animal hollow)

Dipoblastik metazoan animals whose bodies have formed a network, and has a body cavity
Radial symmetry body
Shaped polyps (stuck on the substrate) and medusa (free movement) with tentacles berpenyengat
Having a digestive cavity (gastrosol), the nervous system is simple, and does not have a system of excretion
Free life are heterotrophic by using tentacles to prey meangkap
Generally in marine habitats
Asexual reproduction by bud formation by polyps
Sexual reproduction with gamete formation by medusa (see Fig. Lifecycle obelia)

Classification is based on the dominant form in the life cycle, can be divided into three classes, namely Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa and Anthozoa (see picture below)
Role is a main component forming coral reefs as tempet live animals and algae

Class Hydrozoa (Greece, hydro = water, zoa = animals)

Examples Hydrozoa is Obelia, Hydra and Pysalia
Obelia live in colonies in the sea, shaped polyp and medusa
obelia life cycle picture:
Description obelia life cycle:

Polyps Obelia (2n) reproduce asexually by budding which remains attached to the parent, thus forming colonies.
In the colony, the polyps there are two types, namely the polyps have tentacles (to eat), and polyps that do not have tentacles (for reproduction form medusa)
Medusa (2n), then separated from polyps and growing up
Medusa produces mature sperm (n) and eggs (n), which is released into the water
External fertilization occurs in the water which produces zygote (2n)
Zygote develops into motrulla became ciliated larva called Planula
Planula stick on the seabed and the growing young jadikoloni, then so polyps adultClass Scyphozoa (Greece, scypho = bowl, zoa = animals)

have the dominant form of medusa form, known as jellyfish
Life cycle are:Class Anthozoa (Greece, anthos = flower, zoa = animals)

have a lot of colorful tentacles, like flowers
medusa has no form, just shaped polyp
live in shallow waters, solitary or colonies
example: Tubastrea (coral reefs), Urticina (sea anemones)
Coral framework composed of calcium, forming colonies of coral reefs or coral islands

3. Phylum Platyhelminthes (flat worms)

Aselomata triploblastik animals with bilateral symmetry body shaped flat
Having a nervous system, pencernan with one hole, do not have them in the circulatory system iki, respirsi and excretion
Free life in marine, freshwater, humid place, or parasites in animals and humans
Asexual reproduction by fragmentation followed regenersi
Are hermaphrodites, sexual reproduction, alone or cross
Divided into three classes, namely Turbelaria (hairy worm shakes), trematodes (c. Suction) and Cestoda (c, tape)Turbelaria class (hairy worm shakes)

Examples Turbelaria is dugesia, which has a very high power of regeneration.
Regeneration is the ability of living creatures to replace body parts are damaged or missing. 

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