Minggu, 17 Januari 2016


                Plantae is a group in which living organisms besides the animals are traditionally divided into it. This division originated from Aristotle distinguishes plants into organisms that do not move.Later, Linnaeus proposed the foundation of modern classification, the division of the two groups became Plantae and Animalia.Kingdom Plantae consists of a living multicellular organisms and is also known as green plants. They formed a group that includes different varieties of plants such as flowering plants, gymnosperms, ferns, mosses, liverworts, and also green algae plants etc. are present on land, in freshwater and marine. Plants have lived on earth millions of years ago. There are about 2 million species of plants.        

General characteristics of the plant are: 
1. Walls seltumbuhan memilikiselulosa.2. They memilikipigmenklorofil dalamkloroplasyangdigunakan to mendapatkanenergi rays prosesfotosintesis mataharimelalui. Klorofilmemberi green pigment.3. Beberapatumbuhan is a parasite, and they not be menjalaniproses photosynthesis.4. Reproduction aseksualadalah umumpada plants, meskipunreproduksi seksualadalah possible.5. Tumbuhanmenunjukkan pertumbuhantak tentudanpergantian generation.       
 Definition Plantae[]
 Plantae are multicellular organisms that produce food by photosynthesis. This kingdom includes organisms ranging from tiny mosses to giant trees. All multicellular and eukaryotic plant. One distinctive feature is the presence of plant pigments such as chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids that help to convert sunlight into chemical energy by photosynthesis.         
  Evolution of Plants
 Plants are said to have evolved from the algae they form colonies in mainland empty. Some plant fossils showed that the plants would have appeared about 400 million years ago. They are said to have evolved from green algae and invaded vacant land. The earliest fossils of vascular plants approximately 370 million years old. Flowering plants are said to have evolved about 130 million years ago.Colonization of algae on land will take place after the ozone layer intact to protect the plants from the harmful rays of the sun.Plants should evolve and develop systems to prevent drying in the air, to absorb nutrients from the soil and grow upright without support and also to reproduce on land.Adaptation for this evolution is obtained by modification of existing structures and habits. The first plants were grown in soil that is small mosses, liverworts.Plants such as ferns, pteridophyta said to be a common ancestor of today's vascular plants.The next evolution is the development of seed plants. The first seed plants gymnosperms such as conifers, cycads, etc. These forests dominate the end of time Pleaozoic.After this, the evolution led to the tree with flowers and seeds protected in fruits.Adaptation to different habitats have produced various kinds of flowering plants.Also, there is the evolution and development of complex symbiotic relationship between fungi, bacteria and insects, which if disturbed relationship can be a threat to the survival of the plant.                                    
 Plants are most familiar to us are the multicellular land plants, known as Embryophyta. Embryophyta including plants such as ferns, mosses, liverworts, conifers and flowering plants. All these plants and eukaryotic cell walls made of cellulose. They get their energy through photosynthesis.Embryophyta is also known as metaphyta which includes liverworts, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. They are known as land plants and terrestrial habitats they live in. All metaphyta are multicellular, eukaryotic and has specialized reproductive organs.plant kingdom classification                                            Paleobotany 
Paleobotany is derived from the Greek word where 'paleo' means 'old' and 'botanical' is 'the study of plants'. Paleobotany branch with the recovery and identification of the remains of plants from the geological framework. This includes the study of fossils of land plants and also learn from autotrof prehistoric sea. This study is important because it allows the reconstruction of the ancient ecological and climate systems and is the basis for the study of the development and evolution of green plants.                                    
  Plant systematics
 Plant systematics in practice involves the relationship between plants and their evolutionary processes at a higher level. Plant systematics consider the origin and diversification of land plants. It also describes the taxonomy, evolution, and phylogenetic plant. Taxonomy offer with identification, nomenclature, classification of plants, explains the evolution of speciation, reproductive biology, adaptation and biogeography; and offers with molecular phylogenetic, phenetics, and morphology. With the science of plant taxonomy that identifies, describes, classifies and names of plants that make it one of the main concepts of the taxonomy.                                    
 Diversity of plants 
Plant diversity is important for the environment in general and also useful as a source of social and economic. The diversity of plants considered to be at different levels using different criteria. Variations phenotype, genotype variation, and variation at the DNA level is considered to investigate the diversity of plants. More than 300,000 species of plants have been identified.Continuous analysis and identification of new species is being carried out using DNA-based analysis. Evolutionary relationships described by this approach. It also allows the identification of the genetic relationship between different groups of plants. Infer evolutionary relationships important in conversations plants and plant improvement. Diversity in populations of plant species can be considered as a basic level of variation. Reproduction process determines plant diversity.
The life cycle of plants have a change between haploid and diploid generations. Plants will be divided into two groups: non-vascular plants - non-vascular plant life including Bryophyta like liverworts, mosses and lichens antlers. Vascular plants - vascular plants are common plants such as pine, corn, ferns and oaks.                                           

 Plant Ecology
 The process of photosynthesis performed by plants and algae are the primary source of energy and organic material for all ecosystems. Photosynthesis has resulted in changes in the atmosphere of early Earth, which is now filled with 21% oxygen. All animals and most other organisms are aerobic and dependent on oxygen. Plants are the primary producers in the food web and are the basis of all ecosystems. Many animals depend on plants for shelter, oxygen and food.Land plants play a key role in the water cycle and many other biogeochemical cycles. Some plants also fix atmospheric nitrogen by means of nitrogen-fixing bacteria make the plant an important part of the nitrogen cycle. Plant roots are important for the development of land and prevention of soil erosion.Many animals have co-evolved or in symbiosis with plants. Many animals such as insects pollinate the flowers which in turn receive food in the form of nectar or pollen or animals help spread the seeds by eating fruits. Plants also provide a home, food for many animals.Plants have a mutualistic relationship with many species of fungi. They also have parasites such as mycorrhizal fungi and epiparasit. Epiphyte is a plant that grows on other plants without parasites. There are about 600 carnivorous plants that capture small animals for nutrition.                                        
  Plant morphology
 Plant morphology helped with the study of the external structure of plants and their physical shape. Plant morphology is applied in the visual identification of plants. It is the study of plant parts are different, the shape and features as that of roots, stems, leaves flowers, fruits, seeds, etc.plant morphologyAngiosperm plants are commonly divided into: A root system bawar- The roots, stems and leaves form a vegetative parts while the flowers are the reproductive parts of the plant. Aerial shoot system - shoot system consists of trunk, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.Plant physiologyPlant physiology related to the function and physiology of plants. Plant processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, plant nutrients, plant hormones function, tropism, Nasti, photoperiodism, circadian rhythms, seed germination, dormancy, transpiration, plant water relations, etc. are studied by plant physiologists.Photosynthesis - photosynthetic plants, which means that they can prepare their own food to the energy derived from the sun. Chlorophyll in chloroplasts of plants can capture light energy.Vascular system - vascular system of plants assist in the transport of nutrients from different sections through structures called xylem, phloem. Long root system of plants is taking water and minerals. Network xylem moves water and mineral salts from the roots to other parts of the plant. sugar transported by the phloem tissue produced by the leaves to other plant parts and roots.                          
    Plant cells
 Plant cells are eukaryotic cells and differentiated from other eukaryotic cells which have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin; and also they have a central water vacuole and chloroplasts. During the process of cell division is no phragmoplast development for the construction of the cell plate during the later stages of cytokinesis. Plant cells also develop and differentiate into various types of cells, the cells can differentiate into a protective, storage, blood vessels, reproductive tissue.plant cells                          
 Plant disease
 The study of plant diseases, also known as plant pathology or phytology related scientific study of disease caused by the pathogen or infectious organisms and also because of environmental conditions. Organisms that cause fungal infections, bacteria, viruses etc. Said diseased plants when disturbed constantly by some casual agent that produces abnormal physiological processes that interfere with normal plant structure, growth, functions or other activities. This may interfere with biochemical systems over a plant that causes pathological symptoms.                     
  Role of Plants
 Plants are very important to maintain the balance of nature and human life. Plants are the backbone of all life and is very important for humans.Food - The food we eat comes directly or indirectly from plants.Air - Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis, which is essential to our survival.Water - Plant plays an important role in the water cycle, they help the water from the soil to the atmosphere through transpiration.Habitat - Nearly all organisms depend on plants for food and shelter.Climate - Plants utilize carbon and helps to keep carbon out of the atmosphere within the normal range.

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