Minggu, 17 Januari 2016


       Particles is a basic unit of objects or materials. The particles can also be said is the smallest unit of a material part. There are 3 types of these particles are: atoms, molecules, and ions. So either atoms, molecules, and ions into its three is the smallest unit of matter that is generally called particles.


    Atom is a smallest particles in a substance. the title this time around. "Atom" This word is derived from the Greek language meaning atomos can not be cut. Within the meaning of the atoms are all the constituent particles of very small objects.Atom has beberpa designation. Namely:1. Proton: Positively charged particles Atom2. Electron: charged particle Atom Negative3. Neutron: Atomic particles are electrically neutral / not charged4. Isotopes: Atomic Particles varied
The basics for this atom is derived from the theory proposed by John Dalton (1766-1844). Dalton said that all chemical elements are composed of particles of very small, called atoms, which can not be broken when chemical substances reacted. Another of his opinion that all chemical reactions are the result of mutual joining or separation of atoms. Dalton atomic theory became the basis for modern science pengettahuan. As for another opinion from John Dalton isa. Each element consists of the smallest particles which can not be divided again, called atoms.b. All atoms of the same element have the same size and mass. Atoms of different elements have different masses Thus, many different kinds of atoms equal to the number of elements.c. Atoms can not be tampered with. Atoms can not be destroyed or created through a chemical reaction.d. Through a chemical reaction, atoms of the reactants will have a new arrangement and will be mutually bonded to each other with a ratio or a specific number.
Definition According to Democritus Atom: Atoms are the smallest particles making up the whole matter in the universe.· Understanding Atom According to John Dalton: Atom is the smallest particle of an element that still has properties like element.· Understanding Atom According to J.J. Thomson: Atom is a ball that is positively charged and negatively charged electrons are spread evenly.· Understanding Atom According to Ernest Rutherford: Atoms are composed of particles of atomic nuclei, the protons and neutrons that is at the center and surrounded by electrons.It should be remembered that the atoms in a single state alone or do not have certain traits, such as color, shape, density, electrical conductivity, boiling point, melting point, and so on. The new properties appear if the atoms in large numbers combine to form a collection of atoms in certain ways.To facilitate the study of the properties of elements and compounds, chemists arrange the elements in a periodic system of elements. Periodic system of elements is a table that lists all the elements that are already known or unknown. In the table of periodic system of elements, listed 118 kinds of elements that have been identified by experts of its existence. These elements are in a free state or its compounds in nature even elements that only exist in the laboratory alone.Each column in the periodic system of elements termed class. In each group there is only one class of elements. In one group, the elements will be arranged in accordance with the increase in mass numbers. The main group elements given additional symbol golongannya A behind the numbers, for example IA, IIA, IIIA, and so on.
Some main group gets special designation. The elements contained in the first main group (IA), such as lithium (Li) and sodium (Na) are called elements of the alkali metal group (hydrogen instead of metal so it does not include alkali metal). The second major group (IIA), such as beryllium (Be) and magnesium (Mg) are called the elements of alkaline earth metals. The elements contained in the seventh main group (VIIa), such as fluorine (F) and chlorine (Cl) are called the elements of the halogen group. The elements contained in the eighth main group (VIIIA), such as helium (He) and neon (Ne) called the elements of the noble gas group.In the periodic system of elements, each element is written in the form of the element emblem is accompanied by the identity of these elements, in the form of atomic number and mass number.
1. Atomic MassAtoms on different elements having varying masses. The mass depends on the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. An atom of hydrogen has one proton and no neutrons, so it only has a single atomic mass. The greater the mass of the atom, the smaller the atom.2. Atomic NumberAtoms of different substances have the same number of protons that are not also in essence. The number of protons in the nucleus is called Atomic Number. If the number of protons in the atomic nucleus is changed, then the atom will turn into atoms with different properties than before.3. Style AtomElectrons are negatively charged will be kept in orbit around the positively charged nucleus by the electromagnetic force. Core tensile force, which preserve the protons and neutrons in the nucleus remains the most powerful force in the universe. This style is a hundred times stronger than the electromagnetic force.4. Form AtomAtom has varied forms, called isotopes. Each of these forms has the number of protons and electrons are the same but different numbers of neutrons. So all isotopes of an atom having the same atomic number but different mass numbers.Isotopes have physical properties similar but different chemical properties. Most of the atoms in an element is the element type.

IONIons are electrically charged atoms or in the sense of Wikipedia atom or group of atoms that are electrically charged. Ions are formed when atoms to release or receive one or more electrons to form the outer shell, which is fully charged so that the atom becomes unstable.

Ion solution is a solution containing ions that can move freely so that it can conduct electricity. Anion is a negatively charged ion, while the cation is a positively charged ion.electrically charged atoms, called ions electrically charged cations and negatively charged ion is called anion. Cations and anions can be either a single ion consists of only one type of atom or can also be the polyatomic ions containing two or more different atoms.Compounds are formed of positive ions and negative ions is called an ionic compound.Examples of ionic compounds.1. Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) is formed of Ca2 + and CO32- ions.2. Copper Sulfate (CuSO4) is formed of Cu 2+ ions and ion SO42-.3. Ammonium sulphate ((NH4) 2SO4) formed from ions NH4 + and SO42- ions.CationsAnion                                                              MOLECULE
Is a collection of molecules formed from two or more atoms are linked to each other. Other Definition: The molecule is a combination of several atomic elements, can be two or more. That is when talking molecule is then envisaged a joint atom2 (instead of 1 atom). Molecule is the smallest particle of a substance that still has the properties of the substance. Molecules are composed of two or more atoms. Molecules can be composed of different atoms, but can also be composed of the same atoms.If the combination of atoms of the same type, it is called Molecule element, for example: O2, H2, O3, S8If the combination of atoms of different types, it is called Molecule Compounds, for example: H2O, CO2, C2H5Diatomic molecule is a molecule that consists of two atoms. Both of these atoms can be the same or different elements. Prefix was the diatomic word comes from the Greek meaning two. Examples of N2, O2, H2.                                            ELEMENT

Elements are: A group of atoms that have the same number of protons in its nucleus. This number is known as the atomic number of the element. The element is also defined as a single substance that can not be divided again into smaller parts.The element can be grouped into metals, non-metals, and metalloids / semilogam. There are several elements that have properties such as metallic and non-metallic. The elements known as metalloid element / semilogam. An example is silicon, boron, germanium, arsenic and antimony (antimony). These elements are widely used as a semiconductor.1. Coat element.To simplify the name of the element, the scientists gave the symbol of the element. Emblem elements used until now made by Jons Jacob Berzelius. Here is a way of writing the symbol of the elements proposed by Jons Jacob Berzallius.Each element is represented by a single letter of the initial letters of the Latin names written in capital letters.If the initial letter of the same Latin name, then given the other letters are written in small letters.                                   COMPOUND
The compound is a single substance containing an array of some elementary particles / atom. Mass elements compound constituent particles have a fixed ratio. Constituent elements of the compound can not be separated by ordinary chemical reactions. Compounds in the world there are very many even infinite. Some examples of the compound is water (H2O), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Stomach Acid (HCl), Freon (CFC), and much more.Water also belong to the compounds. Water can be broken down into two types of other substances, namely hydrogen and oxygen gas. Decomposition can occur if the water is heated water vapor at high temperatures or when water is electrified. Hydrogen and oxygen gas properties different from the properties of water. Flammable hydrogen gas, while oxygen is required gas in the combustion process. While water is not flammable and can not hold burning.1. Coat Compound / Chemical formulaSimilarly, the elements, the compound also needs to be given the symbol. Emblem for compounds called chemical formula. Here is the chemical formula of some of the compounds are shown in the table.FormulaWriting manner.N: coefficients indicating the number of moleculesA, B, C: the symbol of the atomic building blocks of molecular compoundsx. y, z: each index constituent atoms of the element, which indicates the number of atoms in each molecule elementExample:2C6H12O6: 2 glucose molecules composed by 12 carbon atoms, 24 hydrogen atoms, and 12 oxygen atoms3H2SO4: 3 sulfuric acid molecules composed by three sulfur atoms, six hydrogen atoms, and 12 oxygen atoms2. Nomenclature CompoundsBased on the types of elements that make up the compound, the compound distinguished on binary compounds and polyatomic compounds.Binary compounds: compounds consisting of two kinds of elements
Binary compounds of metals and non-metals. Metal name is called first, then given name suffix -ida nonmetal.Binary compounds of non-metals: nonmetal name written first is called first, then the next nonmetal given name suffixes ida. If there are couples who fused elements of more than one type of compound, then the naming of these compounds can be distinguished by mentioning the index numbers. The figures are expressed in the Greek language, is as follows.

Binary compound of hydrogen and non-metallic- Using the word hydrogen as the first name, and the name of nonmetal as surname, given the suffix ida.- Using the word acid as first and last name as a surname given nonmetal suffixes ida.Polyatomic compounds: compound ions (atoms or a combination electrically charged atoms), which consists of two or more atoms joined together in a single ion. Its name is the name of positive ions (cations) are called first and then the name of negative ions (anions).                                                   MIXED

 The sea water is classified into the mix because sea water consists of water and various salts. From these examples we can see that the mixture is a combination of two or more kinds of substances.Mixtures have different properties to the compounds. In a mixture of component properties are not lost. When the salt is dissolved in water, the substance was not fused, but rather mixed, that fused to form new substances (lasting chemically), while mixed not form new substances (lasting physics).The mixture has a 2 type, ie a mixture of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixtures.1. Mixed HomogeneousHomogeneous mixture is a mixture in which all parts of the mixture has the same composition and uniform. Homogeneous mixture called solution.Homogeneous mixture
Characteristic features:- Consists of solute (solute) and the solvent (solvent). Typically, the components are more numerous known as solvents, while fewer called the solute. However, if the solution is a liquid, the liquid component is referred to as the solvent.- Multipurpose same, there is no boundary between its components- It can not be filtered- There are no layers (solid and liquid components do not separate)
Example :- Air - Air sugar- Syrup - Air vinegar- Rainwater - methylated2. Heterogeneous MixedHeterogeneous mixture is a mixture whose components can separate themselves physically because of the differences in nature and incorporation uneven between two or more single substances so that comparisons with the components of the same lainnyatidak various vessels. And also can be said to be a mixture of heterogeneous mixtures if the components masihterdapat boundary and often indistinguishable without a microscope, only the naked eye, as well as a mixture of two phases, so that its properties are not uniform.a. Suspension (Coarse Dispersion)Characteristic features:- 2 phases- Cloudy- Heterogeneous- Particle diameter:> 100 nm- Can be filtered with ordinary filter paper- Separating if ignoredExample:- The mixture of flour and water- Mixture of sand and water- Coffee grounds and waterb. Colloid (colloidal dispersion)Characteristic features:- 2 phases- Cloudy- Between homogeneous to heterogeneous- Particle diameter: 1 nm <d <100 nm- Can not be filtered out by ordinary filter, but with ultra filter- Do not separate if ignoredExample:- Milk- Paint- Ink- Coconut milk- Smoke- Fogc. Solution (Molecular Dispersion)- 1 phase- Clear- Homogeneous- Diameter of particles: <1 nm- It can not be filtered- Do not segregate if let standExample :- Sugar Solution- Saline solution

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