Minggu, 24 Januari 2016


     Kerajaan Sriwijaya merupakan salah satu kerajaan besar yang ada di nusantara. Kerajaan yang dikeal dengan kekuatan maritimnya tersebut berhasil menguasi pulau Sumatra, Jawa, Pesisir Kalimantan, Kamboja, Thailand Selatan, dan Semenanjung Malaya yang kemudian menjadikan Kerajaan Sriwijaya sebagai kerajaan yang berhasil menguasai perdagangan di Asia-tenggara pada masa itu.

Kata 'Sriwijaya' berasal dari dua suku kata yaitu 'Sri' yang berarti bercahaya atau gemilang dan 'Wijaya' yang berarti kemenangan. Jadi Sriwijaya berarti kemenangan yang gemilang. Sriwijaya juga disebut dengan berbagai macam nama. Orang Tionghoa menyebut Shih-li-fo-shih atau San-fo-ts’i atau San Fo Qi. Dalam bahasa Sansekerta dan Pali kerajaan Sriwijaya disebut Yavadesh dan Javadeh. Bangsa Arab menyebut Zabaj atau Sribuza dan Khmer menyebut Malayu. Sementara dari peta Ptolemaeus ditemukan keterangan tentang ada 3 pulau Sabadeibei yang berkaitan dengan Sriwijaya.


 Tata Surya adalah kumpulan benda-benda langit yang terdiri dari sebuah bintang yang disebut matahari sebagai inti dan benda atau semua objek yang terikat oleh gaya gravitasinya. Tata Surya terdiri dari matahari, planet-planet dan seluruh benda-benda di angkasa yang beredar mengelilinya. Planet-planet penyusun tata surya kita adalah Merkurius, Venus, Bumi, Mars, Yupiter, Saturnus, Uranus dan Neptunus.

Teori Pembentukannya dan Asal-Usulnya

Banyak hipotesis tentang asal usul tata surya dan teori-teori pembentuka tata surya menurut yang dikemukakan para ahli antara lain sebagai berikut...  


1.      Kerajaan-Kerajaan Islam Pertama di Sumatera
             Samudera Pasai
Kerajaan Pasai adalah Kerajaan Islam pertama di Indonesia. Kerajaan ini terletak di pesisir timur laut Aceh. Kemunculan pertama kalinya diperkirakan abad ke-13 M, sebagai proses dari hasil Islamisasi daerah-daerah pinggir pantai yang pernah disinggahi para pedagang-pedagang muslim sejak abad ke-7, ke-8, dan seterusnya. Bukti berdirinya kerajaan ini adalah dengan adanya nisan kubur yang terbuat dari batu granit asal Samudera Pasai. Dan nisan itu, dapat diketahui bahwa raja pertama kerajaan itu meninggal pada bulan Ramadhan tahun 696 H, yang diperkirakan bertepatan dengan tahun 1297 M.
Malik Al-Shaleh adalah raja pertama kerajaan tersebut dan merupakan pendiri kerajaan itu. Hal ini diketahui melalui tradisi Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai, Hikayat Melayu, dan juga hasil penelitian atas berbagai sumber yang dilakukan sarjana-sarjana Barat, khususnya Belanda, seperti Snouck Hurgronye, J.P.Molquette, J.L.Moens, J.Hushoff Poll, G.P.Rouffaer, H.K.J.Cowan, dan lain-lain.
Dari segi politik, munculnya kerajaan Samudera Pasai pada abad ke-13 M itu sejalan dengan suramnya peranan kerajaan Sriwijaya, yang sebelumnya memeganag peranan penting di kawasan Sumatera dan sekelilingnya.


   Dijaman sekarang ini, Ilmu akuntansi dalam dunia bisnis memiliki peran yang bisa dibilang sangat penting terlebih dalam menyajikan informasi keuangan yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sebuah keputusan. Semakin banyaknya kepentingan dan keputusan yang harus diambil dari penggunaan informasi akuntansi dalam sebuah organisasi perusahaan mengakibatkan semakin berkembangannya ilmu akuntansi. Informasi yang dihasilkan tidak hanya sebatas pada penyediaan laporan keuangan untuk tanggung jawab manajemen saja, tapi sebagai alat utama dalam pengambilan sebuah keputusan strategis dimasa yang akan datang, meramalkan laba perusahaan hingga keputusan akuisisi dan merger.

Minggu, 17 Januari 2016


                Plantae is a group in which living organisms besides the animals are traditionally divided into it. This division originated from Aristotle distinguishes plants into organisms that do not move.Later, Linnaeus proposed the foundation of modern classification, the division of the two groups became Plantae and Animalia.Kingdom Plantae consists of a living multicellular organisms and is also known as green plants. They formed a group that includes different varieties of plants such as flowering plants, gymnosperms, ferns, mosses, liverworts, and also green algae plants etc. are present on land, in freshwater and marine. Plants have lived on earth millions of years ago. There are about 2 million species of plants.        


           Animalia kingdom is an organism that has a characteristic eukaryotik, multicellular, lack chlorophyll and cell walls, living heterotrophic (obtain food from other organisms), and can move to move / free to obtain food and survive,
Animalia kingdom consists of groups of invertebrates (invertebrate animals) and vertebrates (animals with backbones).
The division of this group of animals is based on the existence: body supporter (notocord), spine (vertebrae), the type of the body cavity, the body system, muscles and movements as well as body coverings.
Related to that some of the terms related to the animal world, namely:


        Uniform rectilinear motionTwo-dimensional polar coordinate systemMotion Straight Regular (GLB) is a straight motion having a constant speed. Then the value of the acceleration is a = 0. The GLB-shaped linear movement and speed values ​​are the results for the distance by the time taken.Formula:\!v=\frac{s}{t}
Under the condition:

S = distance covered (km, m)V = speed (km / h, m / s)T= travel time (hour, second)Note:


       Particles is a basic unit of objects or materials. The particles can also be said is the smallest unit of a material part. There are 3 types of these particles are: atoms, molecules, and ions. So either atoms, molecules, and ions into its three is the smallest unit of matter that is generally called particles.


Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Human Body framework and Functions

 human skeleton

Order to have a very important function in our body, namely:1. Enforcement and giver of body shape.2. Protecting the body parts were soft like the brain, lungs, and  heart.3. The attachment of the muscles and tissues.4. As the formation of blood cells.5.Sebagai passive locomotorB. The parts of the FrameworkBroadly speaking, the human frame is divided into 3 parts, among others:1) The bones of the head frameSkeleton head (skull) serves to protect the vital organs that existin the head, including the brain.
order head

Various Kinds of Human Rights (HAM)

a. Personal Rights (Perseonal Rights)Personal rights are rights which include freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of movement, to actively liberated in any organization or association and so on.
     For example: the right to freedom in expressing or expression. The right of freedom in running the trust and embrace or choose a religion. Rights liberated in travel, visit, and on the move. Rights liberated in selecting, specifying and organizations active in the organization.

History of Scouting

 Scout stands Praja Muda Karana which means young people who like to work. In Indonesia alone, the use of the term "Scouting" was officially used in 1961. But the scout movement actually been around since the Dutch colonial era by the name of scouting. Do you know the history of scouts in the world and in Indonesia? then refer to the origin of scouts below.scout historyHistory of Scouting in the World

The term is only used in the Indonesian scout in the world while the scout called Scout. Movement also called Scouting or Scout Movement aims to develop young people physically, mentally, and spiritually. Scouts in world history itself began on July 25, 1907 when Lord Robert Baden Powell then as a Lieutenant General of the British army for the first time hold a scout camp on Brown Sea Island, England for 8 days. Subsequently in 1908 Baden Powell wrote a book about the basic principles of scouting "Scouting for Boys" which means to scout for men.In 1912 with babtuan sister Agnes Baden Powell named the scout organization formed to women as "Girls Guides". This woman was scouting organization dilanutkan by Baden Powell's wife.Furthermore, in 1916 in standby establish scout group by the name of CUB (wolf child). Guidance activities undertaken based on a book called "The Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling.In 1918 Baden-Powell returned form a Rover Scout, the scout organization for those who have aged 17 years. Lapse four years later in 1922 Powel publish a book published the book "Rovering To Succes" This book depicts a young man who had to ride his boat toward kepantai happy.World JamboreeIn 1920 was a year of very influential in the history of scouts which for the first time at the Jamboree held in the world. Additionally this year also formed the International Council consisting of 9 people scout bureau and central bureau in London. Son of the world scout bureau has five regional offices, namely Costa Rica, Egypt, the Philippines, Switzerland, and Nigeria. As for the daughter has five headquarters bureau secretariat in London and has offices in Latin America, Arab, Asia Pacific, and Europe.World Jamboree to-I carried on in Olympia Hall, London. In these activities also invited participants from 27 countries and at that Baden Powell was appointed as Mr Pandu World (Chief Scout of the World).Jamboree next world: